stan livedeath
JoinedPosts by stan livedeath
Theism is a Fact #1
by cofty innope sorry i got nothing.. wouldn't it be really interesting though if somewhere there was a theist who could challenge unbelievers with facts and evidence?.
stan livedeath
@slim--i also have a tablet--an acer android. ive no idea how to post a pic with it. -
Theism is a Fact #1
by cofty innope sorry i got nothing.. wouldn't it be really interesting though if somewhere there was a theist who could challenge unbelievers with facts and evidence?.
stan livedeath
Slim--are you using a laptop or a tablet ?
on a laptop--right click on a picture--click on copy image---then paste it where you want it.
Theism is a Fact #1
by cofty innope sorry i got nothing.. wouldn't it be really interesting though if somewhere there was a theist who could challenge unbelievers with facts and evidence?.
stan livedeath
an atheist doesnt have to prove there is no such thing as god. how can someone prove something doesnt exist ?
the onus of proof is on the theist. good luck with that.
stan livedeath
yep. my ex wife ---(born in control freak )---shuns our son. he was d'f about 6 years ago--he was glad to be rid of it. now has a lovely wife and child--great job--successful life. his mother chooses to miss out on all this. -
New Here
by Grey Goose inhi one and all.. i've lurked for 3 years, about time i signed up.. i'm a still in ms due to family.. fully awake.. i look forward to getting to know all of you..
stan livedeath
I just love the fully awake that are still inside. Me too!
ha ha--i can just picture people like that--sat there in the audience--glazed expression in their eyes--idiot grin--nodding at everything said.
but--what answer do they give on a medical form where it asks---religion ?
Swearing on the bible
by Lost and adrift inon the subject of truth.
..... i was always under the impression that one of the reasons jws couldn't do jury duty or go to court etc was that we were not allowed to swear on the bible. in i swear to tell the truth the whole truth etc etc .
stan livedeath
its easy to swear on the bible.
just drop it on the floor---stand on it--and swear your head off.
but--dont try it on the Koran--or some slammer really will have your head off.
Does Jesus have wings?
by Bratbaby inyears ago when i was attacked i had giant wings wrap around me in the midst of the chaos and i knew i everything was gonna be ok.all these years i assume d they were angel wings.then last night psalm 91:4 flashed across my tv and it made me wonder if it was jesus himself so i researched on my phone and came across this site.this is my 1st post feedback welcome and
stan livedeath
welcome to the site Brat Baby--great name.
i didnt think jesus had a phone--can you give me his number ?
New Here
by Grey Goose inhi one and all.. i've lurked for 3 years, about time i signed up.. i'm a still in ms due to family.. fully awake.. i look forward to getting to know all of you..
stan livedeath
You are in a great situation to fade - no wife or kids.
would it be feasible to move to a different congregation ?---then attend rarely--or even less. no more MSing about! that way you will be able to hang on to your conditional friends for a while--till you make real ones.
New Here
by Grey Goose inhi one and all.. i've lurked for 3 years, about time i signed up.. i'm a still in ms due to family.. fully awake.. i look forward to getting to know all of you..
stan livedeath
hello grey--welcome to the site.
you mention youre a MS---can i ask if that means you have a specific role--like--passing the microphone or ordering literature ? the reason i ask is i'm soo far out of the loop i just dont know what goes on in the kingdumb hall any more.
GB Members: What's the Story?
by Cold Steel inover the past few decades i've met many individual jws, but i've always been curious about the gb members themselves and about service at bethel.
first, do gb members fraternize with regular rank and file members or do they only sell out each other?
when i was a methodist, it didn't take me long to figure out that our minister and his wife were frequently invited to dinner, but i never heard of him actually inviting members to his house for dinner.
stan livedeath
back in the 60's--Peter Ellis was a circuit servant--and sometimes stayed at my wifes parents house in the Birmingham UK area.
in recent years--since i joined this site--i found out from another member on here---that Wilf Gooch used to holiday at friends house here where i now live--on the Isle of Wight UK.